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  • Bible Study



Welcome to Marion Bible Fellowship

The Ministry of Marion Bible Fellowship

Marion Bible Fellowship is a Christian church with the purpose of introducing Jesus as Messiah and the only means to salvation.  As well, we teach the Scriptures as they were taught and practiced by Jesus and His disciples long ago.  We feel much has changed in the Christian church since that time.  At Marion Bible Fellowship, we hope to return as closely as possible to the original practice of the faith by using the entire Bible as the guide to the Christian life.

How We are Similar

So, how is Marion Bible Fellowship similar to other Christian churches?  Many churches properly teach that Jesus is the only way to find salvation and a means for our sin and wrongdoing in life to be forgiven.  This is good, proper and of first importance.  We teach the same.  Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (NASB)

Therefore, what many Christian churches teach about salvation, you will find taught at Marion Bible Fellowship.  It is not by our good deeds or even our obedience to following God's commandments that we are saved and go to heaven someday; because we all sin regardless how hard we try, we are only saved through believing in Jesus as Savior and Lord of our lives (by faith in Jesus' goodness and payment for our wrongs and not by our own goodness).

How We are Unique

So, how is Marion Bible Fellowship unique?  We specialize in our approach to Bible study for children, youth and adults.  We are differentiated from many churches by the way we teach the Scriptures and by the emphasis we place on learning and living the Commandments of the Bible once someone believes in Jesus as savior.  

In this way, Marion Bible Fellowship keeps the roots of the Christian faith planted firmly in His Word.  Are you "grounded" in the faith?  Are you certain what God expects of you as a believer in Jesus?  At Marion Bible Fellowship we believe every part of the Bible is inspired and gives direction to our lives.  This means that some things you will find at MBF will not be found in many churches:  The celebration of the Sabbath, a whole day of worship, rest, and family commanded by God of His people.  The celebration of the Biblical Holidays (Passover,  Unleavened Bread, Pentecost in the Spring and Trumpets, The Day of Atonement and Tabernacles in the fall) all strangely unfamiliar to  Christians nowadays but faithfully practiced by early Jew and Gentile followers of Christ. 

Some say our approach is unique, but it really shouldn't be:  We read the Bible and do what it says without canceling or changing anything, especially God’s commandments.  Why is that so strange?  To us it seems simple and straightforward.  In fact, it is the same approach to Scripture used by Jesus (Matt. 5:17-20), the Apostles (Rom. 7:12,14; 1John 5:3), and the Early Church.

So, is the Old Testament merely "Old News?"  Should we cut the New Testament away from the deep roots that seek to nourish and keep our faith well grounded?  At Marion Bible Fellowship we believe the entire Bible is good news and good guidance for living a Christian life, not just the writings of the New Testament.

Nourish and strengthen your faith by learning to live as Jesus, the Apostles, and the Early Church lived.  Sabbath, Passover, the feasts of the Bible, regular times of prayer, the study of the Bible with the original context in view, as well as fellowship with like-minded believers will all combine to add direction to your life of faith.  This gives structure and a framework to living the Christian life and training our children in the way they should go.

We believe both the Old Testament and the New Testament work together seamlessly. Essentially, the Old Testament teaches us what God expects for us, and in the New Testament Jesus and the Apostles teach us how to do what God expects.

Come and see how the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith can make the Bible "come alive" for the first time.  God has planted you in rich soil – as followers of Jesus of Nazareth, you have chosen a Jewish rabbi as your savior and teacher.  Tap into the roots of your faith, and see how much you can really grow!

There is More to Us Than Preaching the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ and Bible Study

Although our ministry starts with teaching every adult and youth all the way through the Bible once every six years, it certainly doesn’t end there.  As mentioned, we gather as a congregation throughout the year to celebrate the biblical festivals.  We pray and support one another.  We enjoy vibrant times of group fellowship, and together we serve the Marion community through outreach ministry.  We also support international missionaries in Israel and the Palestinian territory.

Our Beliefs

Beliefs guide actions and define who we are. You will discover several documents below that will help you understand what we believe at Marion Bible Fellowship. Statements, such as those found on this page, are vitally important for Christian groups. In Hebrew faith, a "belief" is just a statement unless it is seen also in the actions of a believer's life. At Marion Bible Fellowship, we hope to encourage one another to walk in a manner that shows others our beliefs and who our Master is:  Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth.

  • Church Brochure Statement of Faith Church CovenantElder Led Governance MembershipFaith on a Firm Foundation


Statement of Faith (adopted 2008)

Purpose of Our Statement

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we mere men attempt to establish the Marion Bible Fellowship.  We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Shepherd of this church and of our lives.  As fallible individuals, we establish this Statement with the full knowledge that our conclusions are subject to confirmation by comparing them to God’s written Word (Heb. 4:12)  His Bible is perfect and we are only correct insofar as our statements agree with those found in His written Word (Psalm 19:7-8).  We therefore submit the following as a reflection of how the Scriptures speak to us. 

The Bible is Infallible

We believe that the Hebrew Scriptures (“Old Testament”) and Writings of the Apostles (“New Testament) compose the whole Bible (Deut 29:29, 2Tim. 3:16).  Together they are the divinely inspired Word of God (2Pet. 1:21).  To properly interpret the meaning of the Bible, we must remember that it has a Jewish origin and was written by Jews.  This is especially true when reading the Writings of the Apostles (Matt. 5:17-20).


We believe all humans are born with a sinful nature and are separated from God because they have broken His Commandments (Rom. 3:23).  All are in need of restoration (Gal 3:22). Our relationship with God can only be restored through faith in a blood sacrifice as commanded by God and not by making up for wrongs committed by doing righteous acts (Rom. 9:30-33, 10:4).  The system of sacrifices in the Hebrew Scriptures were means of illustrating what Jesus Christ would eventually come and do to save mankind from the penalty of sin, that is, death, and grant eternal life to all who put their faith in Him (Rom 3:24).

One God in Three Persons

We believe in one God, who eternally exists as: God the Father, Jesus the Messiah and the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:21-22, Luke 9:35, John 17:21).  We believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah of Israel and the world (Acts 4:12).  He is the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin.  In Jesus, God become flesh but remained one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. (Isa. 7:14, John 10:30, Col. 2:9)

Jesus is the Messiah

We believe Jesus lived a perfectly sinless life and did not deserve to die (Ps. 22, Isa. 52:13-53:12).  He willingly and obediently became the blood sacrifice that paid for the sins of all mankind (John 1:29).  His perfectly sinless life and sacrifice makes Him the one and only qualified Savior for mankind (John 3:18, 3:36).  He was crucified, died and was buried (1Cor. 15:3-4, Luke 24:38).  He rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and is coming again to rule and reign over all (Isa. 9:6-7, Matt. 24:29-31).  He is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit (John 10:30).  He is fully God and was fully man (Heb 1:1-3, John 1:1-14, John 17:5).

The Holy Spirit

We believe God has sent His Holy Spirit to indwell the believer for comfort, instruction and empowerment for Messiah's service (John 14:23-26, 16:5-15).  With the Father and the Son, He is to be worshipped and glorified.  He has spoken through the prophets in times of old (Judges 3:9-10, 11:29, Joel 1:1, Jonah 1:1, Zech. 1:1) and currently guides all believers into a knowledge and application of the Truth found in the Scriptures (John 14:16-17, John 17:17).

God’s People

We acknowledge that the body of believers is composed of both Jews and Gentiles who have received Jesus the Messiah as the promised Redeemer (Rom. 10:12-13). The "middle wall of partition" has been broken down and we worship the God of Israel together (Eph. 2:13-15, Gal 3:6).  We believe that the land of Israel belongs to God and He gave it to the Jewish people (the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) to live in and possess (Rom. 11:25-29).  He has recently returned Israel, as prophetically promised, to this land (Isa. 11:11-12).

How Christians are to Live 

God’s Commandments found throughout the Bible are not a means to salvation (Rom. 3:28, 4:1-8, Eph. 2:8-9).  A person does not need to come to obey any particular Commandment of God other than to come to Jesus Christ to be saved (Gal. 3:11, 5:4).  The Commandments are, however, the details of how God intended and still intends for all mankind to live (Eph. 2:10, Luke 6:46, John 14:15,23-24).  God’s grace and kindness in saving us through Jesus Christ does not do away with His expectation for believers in Christ to progressively learn and obey His Commandments (Matt. 5 17-20, John 17:17, Acts 15: 19-21, Rom 6, Phil. 1:6, 1Tim 3:16).  Any ability or desire we may have to rightly follow His ways, however, is a direct result of our salvation through Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:14, John 8:12, John 14:6).  We should both preach the good news of salvation to the entire world and teach the commandments of God to those who are saved (Isa. 61:1-2, Luke 4:18-19, Matt. 28:19-20, John 8:11).

People who come to Christ will naturally grow to obey more and more of the teachings of Scripture as they mature in their faith (Phil. 1:6, 2Pet. 3:14-18, 1John 5:2-3).  We believe that the teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Apostolic Writings are wise to follow for both non-Jewish and Jewish believers (Num. 15:14-16, Eph. 2:11-19).  We do not believe that the Bible was written in different sections for different types of people nor do we believe that the Hebrew Scriptures are opposed to the Writings of the Apostles (Num. 15:16, Deut. 4:1-2, 12:32).  All parts agree with the others, and all Scripture is valuable for all believers to learn and obey (John 10:35, 2Tim. 3:16).  Nothing written in the Bible has been cancelled until heaven and earth pass away (Matt. 5:17-18).  While there are portions of both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Apostolic Writings that cannot be applied in our current day (for example, we cannot make sacrifices at the Temple as the Apostle Paul did in Acts 21:26, since it does not exist), we contend that all Scripture, wherever found in the Bible, is God-breathed and is profitable for training in righteousness for every believer. 

Because our belief is that the whole Bible is a guide to the life of the Christian, rather than only selected parts of it, our teaching encourages the maintenance of some commandments thought obsolete or cancelled by other churches.  This will be evident as we uphold the Sabbath commandment (teaching that Saturday is the day for rest and worship), the celebration of the Feasts of the Lord (Passover, Pentecost and so on), and an encouragement to maintain the dietary guidelines found in Leviticus 11.  Obedience to these commandments is in no way a marker to determines one’s salvation status, nor is obedience to them a reason to include or exclude believers from fellowship, but we believe they are, along with all the other commandments found in Scripture, the correct and righteous way to live out our salvation, and they do carry with them a blessing from the Lord.


Why First Century Christianity?

The interest in First Century Christianity developed because of disagreement with modern day “Christianity” that attracts followers by conforming to today’s prevailing culture rather than Biblical truths.  This leads to the culture defining the church instead of vice versa. By attending a church that bends scriptures and worship to the left, you may be led to assume that God endorses same-sex marriage, abortion, redistribution of wealth, and other politically correct issues. Syncretism, i.e., a fusion of belief systems that is occurring in main-line denominations, is an enemy of God’s Church. Churches engaged in syncretism have strayed far from Biblical truths and doctrines.  The First Century movement searches for and strives to be obedient to Biblical truths that are instructive for living a Christian life.

First Century Christianity maintains that personal belief in Jesus’s death and resurrection for forgiveness and salvation is the only way for a relationship with God. The faith the believer enters into is one that is illustrated by a passion to learn and obey the Torah which is God’s teachings (commandments) found in the first five books of the Bible.  Jesus lived a life obedient to Torah. Perfect obedience is never really accomplished, but remains the goal of the believer.

Why Use the Term “First Century Christianity?”

The term emphasizes a return to the original practice and teachings of the faith, before post-apostolic traditions developed. For instance, we set aside traditions that teach that portions of Hebrew Scriptures (“Old Testament”) were canceled in Christian faith and that Christians should only adhere to the New Testament. In “First Century Christianity” we attach the old with the new.  In other words, we use both the Old Testament, i.e., the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament, i.e., the Apostolic Scriptures. While all this may sound new, it really isn’t. Christian obedience to the Law of Moses was expected in the early church (Acts 15:21). Jesus Himself commanded those who follow Him to remain obedient to the Torah. Nowhere did He separate His commands and state that this only applied to Jewish followers. He simply stated:

“Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:17-19, NASB)

In some churches believers have been discouraged from following Torah, hearing that such obedience would be inconsistent with Jesus’ teaching. Some argue that only Jewish believers should adopt and follow the commandments of Moses, yet the “Great Commission” in the book of Matthew confuses such a position when Jesus instructs his Jewish disciples:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [Gentiles], baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you [Jewish disciples of mine who I have told previously to follow the Torah in Matthew 5:17-19]…” (Matthew 28:19-20)

  While the church has variously upheld obedience to some of the Commandments (many would teach nine of the Ten Commandments today, exempting the 4th about the Sabbath), the record of Scripture stands firm to endorse this First Century Christianity expression of the Christian faith, calling followers of Messiah to grow in obedience to the Law after they are granted faith and fully assured salvation through faith in Jesus.

Isn’t this What “Judaizers” Taught?

Many who hear of a group that promotes obedience to the Law of Moses claim that Scripture rebukes such teaching. “Judaizers” and “legalism” are terms used to rebuke any teaching which promotes a return to the Mosaic Law or anything “Jewish.” Scriptures that speak to a cancelation of the Law or to the Law as “a curse” refer to it when it is improperly used as a means to earn one’s way into Heaven (salvation).  So, to be a Scriptural “Judaizer” or “legalist” was to teach that one must obey the Law to merit salvation or that one must become Jewish by a conversion ritual. Such teaching is not biblical and Scripture states that such people are accursed.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!”  (Galatians 1:8)

For example, if the church taught that belief in Jesus was necessary for salvation, but it added that one must also obey certain laws to be saved and made right with God, it would be a legalistic church. Alternatively, if it were to teach that one had to be a member of the church via baptism, circumcision, or a membership ceremony, etc. it would be “Judaizing” and thus be contrary to the faith according to Scripture. To summarize, anything added to faith in Messiah for salvation is wrong teaching.

Teaching on the Law and the Believer

Jesus was definitely a “Hebrew Roots” teacher. Nowhere does Jesus suggest anything but relying on Him for salvation and obeying Torah. While most every challenge to the Law of Moses comes from referencing Paul’s writings, the only thing heard from the Master is an upholding of the Law.

Peter’s and Paul’s Argument over the Misuse of the Law

Our contention is that Paul did not come to write the Gentile Bible and set the Hebrew Scriptures aside. Instead, God wrote a Book/Scroll for all people. The Bible is a Book that suggests throughout that its content is fixed, unchangeable and universal in scope (Deuteronomy 4:1, Isaiah 56:1-8). Any one section of it is not complete without the others: the New cannot stand without the Old and vice versa. The fact that the New was not always available as it had yet to be written left some things to be more fully defined.  But as Biblical prophecies happened as foretold and the Bible was completed, full truth and definition were forever established. This is all quite different from a Bible that amends or changes over time to be used in support of new secular or “religious” ideas. The Bible is not a different story and different guidebook for different people and different times. The Bible speaks repeatedly of itself as being a book for all to refer to and a book that never contradicts itself or changes because something new comes along. God Himself is said to be the same as His Word: unchanging and evenhanded with all people.

Therefore it is correct for Gentiles to refer to and apply the Hebrew Scriptures to their lives as believers and it is equally appropriate for a Jew to read and apply the Apostolic Scriptures and the writings of Paul to their lives. Jesus and Paul really did not disagree and the teachings of both are for every believer. Paul was quite clear on that point (1Corinthians 1:11-13).

Contradictory Christian Doctrines: The Result of Pulling Out the Roots of Your Faith

The book of Judges ends with what is intended to be a sad statement, “...and everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” What was expressed in sadness then has become the American Dream today. Individuality, personal morality and doing things the way it seems best to oneself has become the norm for living life. There are so many practices in the Christian church that are opposed to Scripture that it would be difficult to list them all. It would seem much of Christianity, with its various doctrines and individual group practices has come to a point where an honest observation indicates that everyone is doing what they perceive to be correct.

How is this possible with those who claim “one Lord, one faith, and one baptism?" Why do people disagree over topics that are clearly addressed and discussed unambiguously in Scripture? For example:

  • Where do we see the Sabbath canceled or moved to Sunday?
  • Why is there disagreement in the church on abortion?
  • Where do we see that Jesus canceled Old Testament Law?
  • Why are there differences among Christians as to what constitutes sexual sin?
  • Why is there disagreement over divorce among Christians?

The answers may be quite simple. Could it be that there is very little personal study of all of God’s Word? After all, knowledge of the Old Testament is required to correctly interpret the New Testament. Without correct interpretation of Scripture, you simply do not have the Scriptures. Could it also be that among those who have familiarity with the Scripture, they do not believe that all of it applies to them? If they were to believe and apply the entire Bible to their lives, there would likely be very little division of thought on marriage, divorce, sexual behavior or treatment of the poor. All would practice the Sabbath, being the only day mentioned in Scripture for worship, rest and family. Holidays would be enjoyed together as one, and people’s beliefs would be more unified and defined than in the current state of Christianity, where believers tend to be self-guided or misguided and where the truth is what seems right, rather than being defined by God’s Word.

The key to unity is through the humble admission of our inability to know right from wrong without God’s help and definition. Once there, we further understand our need for a Savior, who lived as we should – by obedience to the Scriptures. In that need, we not only find our faith in Him, we also find our continued need in our salvation to begin to grow in the knowledge and application of the commands which were lived out by our Jewish Messiah. Reattaching ourselves to a First Century Christianity brings us into alignment with the Bible and its People. It makes us one in faith and closer in practice to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, David, Our Lord Jesus and the apostle Paul. It also allows us to agree on, and encourage, one another to live consistent with the Word God has revealed to His people. Can you imagine such a world – One that would begin to live more closely with the way He intended us to live, walking just as Jesus walked in the commands of the Torah, Prophets, and Scripture while being fully consistent with the writings of Paul? Such teaching is not for Jews alone but for all of humanity.

Step back and reattach yourself to the life Jesus lived. Begin to walk more as He walked. Christianity has deep and sturdy roots that have held strong for many years but sadly are sought only by a few. Come alongside the Disciples of the Master by applying the practices He commanded of His followers. Church can be much more than just an experience; it can help plant the seeds of obedience to the Father, the Son and their Word. There is a life with good results when you tap into what flows from the Holy Spirit. It is this salvation that brings obedience that Jesus intended for His followers, but it is only realized by those who purposefully seek it.


Come learn and find unity and God’s will for your life in Christ through First Century Christianity.

Meet Our Pastor

Every church desires the kind of leader we have at Marion Bible Fellowship (MBF). A leader who is deeply rooted in God's Word. An experienced, kind and compassionate leader who is passionate about God's Word, the Land of Israel, and about leading people to Yeshua, our Savior. At a time when Biblical Truth is being replaced with common opinion, how important and refreshing it is to have Pastor Steve leading our congregation.

Steve brings an extensive experience base and educational background to Marion Bible. He is a thesis short of completing his PhD in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin, and holds dual master’s degrees in related fields of religious study. Steve’s teaching is rich with texture and unique insights, particularly relating to the Land of Israel, owing in part to his experience on six archeological excavations, over ten years living in Israel, and conducting literally dozens of tours of the Land. Steve has written extensively on the Land and through his  work at Biblical Backgrounds (bibback.com) has created a wealth of resources to help students gain an in-depth understanding of both the history and physical characteristics of the Land. 

To those who know Steve well, perhaps most impressive about him is his love and passion for the Lord. From his theatrical readings of the Psalms and telling of the many great stories of the Bible, to the singing of Hebrew songs (typically done with Mona), his love and passion come through in a way that stirs and inspires the soul. His ability to connect accounts in the Bible to archeological artifacts and extra-biblical writings also helps to give Bible reading  extra depth and meaning.

Marion Bible is a unique place of worship.  Our deepest desire is to lead people to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, and then to help them grow in that relationship. We strive to live out our faith as Jesus modeled and the first century church followed. Steve shares that passion and makes the study of God’s Word especially powerful and enjoyable.