Bible Study

The Writings / KETHUVIM

The Adult Bible Study at Marion Bible Fellowship digs deep into the setting and context of the entire Bible. Cycling every 6 years, we connect all parts of the Scriptures with one another and teach not only how Messiah is found in the writings of Moses, but also how Moses is found in the words of Messiah. Never before has the Bible connected this way. You will find new insight into the locations and people groups mentioned in the Scriptures.

The Ketuvim or the Writings—a nondescript title—is in truth an anthology of literature from the biblical period that contains poetry, wisdom literature, a short story and love song, laments, apocalyptic prophecy, and history. The various works provide deep ponderings on the meaning of life, the reason for human suffering, glimpses into Temple liturgy, and witty, insightful, and sometimes humorous sayings that guide one to the right paths. They are like flesh on the skeletal structure of biblical history and promise. Read them for enjoyment and instruction.

Join Pastor Steven Lancaster on a journey through the Scriptures as we dig ever deeper every six years in into the soil that will make your faith grow.

Latter Prophets

The Adult Bible Study at Marion Bible Fellowship digs deep into the setting and context of the entire Bible. Cycling every 6 years, we connect all parts of the Scriptures with one another and teach not only how Messiah is found in the writings of Moses, but also how Moses is found in the words of Messiah. Never before has the Bible connected this way. You will find new insight into the locations and people groups mentioned in the Scriptures. Prophets will become more understandable as their political and spiritual settings in history are discussed. Join Pastor Steven Lancaster on a journey through the Scriptures as we dig ever deeper every six years in into the soil that will make your faith grow.

Former Prophets