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biblical holidays trumpets tabernacles atonement

Biblical Feasts and Holidays

The Feasts of the Lord are a collective picture of God’s plan of redemption and are commanded in Leviticus 23 for all followers of the Lord.  In part, they are meant to have us regularly celebrate the gift of salvation and call us to readiness for the return of Messiah.  If you are completely unfamiliar with these Feasts and their meaning, please learn more by downloading the Marion Bible Fellowship Educational Issues (PDF format) referenced throughout. See also this overview of the Biblically commanded holy days.

Please mark your calendar to attend special gatherings.  We look forward to your visit with us.  As a special invitation, if you have placed personal faith in Jesus as Master and Savior, or if you are a family member of one who attends our annual Passover Seder (Meal), feel free to contact us two weeks or more before the date of Passover to attend personally.



A holiday to remember God's deliverence of His people from destruction in the wake of a plot by Haman. The plot is recorded in one of the hidden treasures of the Bible, the book of Esther. Why should we celebrate Purim today – because we need Purim. Purim is a reminder that God is actively engaged in the activity of humankind. The book of Esther teaches us that God does not forget His people, even people that sometimes are tempted to forget Him. We need to celebrate, because our Master provided us with an outstanding example. Jesus enjoyed festive celebrations. Specifically, Jesus enjoyed festive celebrations that explained God’s story with His people. We should, too. Use this educational guide to prepare your family for the Purim celebration this year.


The Spring Feasts

Times to Recall Salvation, The Exodus and the Lord's First Coming

Passover and Unleavened Bread (Hebrew: Pesach and Chag  HaMatzot)

We invite you to enter into this special season with us. We share the Passover Seder (meal) on the first night (see date below) as Messiah taught His disciples to do and we then rest the next day until sunset in obedience to the commandment found in Leviticus 23:7.  Beginning immediately after the Passover meal, the Bible instructs us to observe a week long fast from leaven, which is symbolic of sin, with the week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Passover Seder: Monday evening, April 10 at 6:30PM

Unleavened Bread: Tuesday, April 11 through Monday evening, April 17

Messiah Banquet: Monday, April 17 at 7PM

Festival Sabbaths: Tuesday, April 11 and Monday, April 17

      Feast of Passover/Pesach - Download Educational Issue

      Passover Meal Hagaddah (Guidebook) - Download

      Directions to this year's Passover Seder/Meal - (map)


All-Occasions Catering, Waldo, OH


Beginning of the Harvest/Resurrection Morning (Hebrew: Yom HaBikkurim)

The feast of the first of the harvest occurs the Sunday after Passover each year. We worship that morning to recall the provision God has given us to approach Him through the death and resurrection of His Son, Yeshua (Jesus).  While this day is not an explicit sabbath, Marion Bible Fellowship encourages believers to gather for early worship at the church and also spend time with family for a special day of remembrance of the event that changed the course of history!

First Fruits/Resurrection (Empty Tomb Celebration): Tuesday, April 11/12 at 11:30PM

      Feast of Harvest/Resurrection/Yom HaBikkurim- Download Educational Issue


Ascension Day

Ascension Celebration: Sunday, May 21 at 8AM


Pentecost or Feast of Weeks (Hebrew: Shavuot)

Pentecost occurs 50 days after the Sabbath following Passover.  We gather for worship remembering the giving of the Spirit and the anniversary of God’s giving of the Torah (commandments) on Sinai.

Pentecost Opening Celebration: Tuesday, May 30 at 7PM

Festival Sabbath: Wednesday, May 31

      Feast of Pentecost/Shavuot - Download Educational Issue


The Fall Feasts

Times of Preparation for and anticipation of the Lord's return

Feast of Trumpets (Hebrew: Yom Teruah) 

The Feast of Trumpets is a particularly joyous time of worship featuring the blowing of shofars (rams horns) and singing.  It marks the beginning of a 10 day long period traditionally called “The Days of Awe,” during which we prepare ourselves through daily reflection, repentance and devotions for the imminent return of the Lord.  This important time of reflection continues after our celebration with a day of rest and reflection until sunset.

Trumpets Celebration: Wednesday evening, September 20 at 7PM

Trumpets Activities: Thursday, September 21 from 10AM - 4PM (call church office for details)

Festival Sabbath: Thursday, September 21


      Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah - Download Educational Issue

      "10 Days of Awe" - Download Devotional Guide


Day of Atonement (Hebrew: Yom  Kippur)

This most personally challenging and important Feast Day concentrates on seeking the Lord to identify the sin in our lives. We hold a solemn worship service that night and then spend a day strictly refraining from enjoyment and completely fasting (medical health permitting).  A fully concentrated day of listening for God's direction and identifying how we should change continues until sunset.  Times of gathering at the church for the reading of Scripture and corporate prayer continues until sunset.

Atonement Opening Service: Friday, September 29 at 7PM

Atonement Activities: Saturday, September 30 from 10AM – 7PM (call church office for details)

Festival Sabbath: Saturday, September 30

      Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur - Download Educational Issue


Feast of Tabernacles/Feast of Booths (Hebrew: Suk kot)

Tabernacles begins with gathering for worship followed by a day of rest until sunset.  The Feast of Tabernacles is a most joyous occasion.  It is a feast looking forward to the time the Lord comes again to be with His people.  It prefigures the rule and reign of Messiah.  There is a closing celebration as well to the week-long festival.

Opening Service: Wednesday, October 4 at 7PM

Campout on church grounds after opening service

Prayer Service: Thursday, October 5 at 10AM

Progressive Meal: Thursday, October 5 at 6PM

Great Deliverance Service: Wednesday, October 11 at 7PM

Eighth Day Celebration: Thursday, October 12 at 10AM

Festival Sabbaths: Thursday, October 5 and Thursday, October 12

      Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot - Download Educational Issue


Holiday Sabbaths and Times of Rest

Additional to the celebration gathering times, part of the Biblical commandment to celebrate these holidays includes "resting" on the holiday.  Such times may include spending time in prayer and study, spending special times with family, relaxing, visiting with friends, attending worship and learning more about the holiday itself.  Work is prohibited, but cooking, while prohibited on the weekly Sabbath Day, is permitted for the day's food preparation on holiday sabbaths.  Where a holiday and regular Sabbath fall on the same day, the more stringent restrictions (no cooking) apply.  To plan ahead for time off from work with your employer, we list below the holiday Sabbaths for this year:

Passover: Tuesday, April 11

Final Day Unleavened Bread:  Monday, April 17

Pentecost: Wednesday, May 31

Trumpets: Thursday, September 21

Atonement: Saturday, September 30

Tabernacles: Thursday, October 5

Eighth Day: Thursday, October 12


A Note of Encouragement…

As a follower of Jesus, please don't let these appointments with the Lord slip by without discovering their importance in your life.  Each of them paints a progressive picture of Messiah's soon return:  Trumpets to announce His coming, Atonement to review our lives and walk even more diligently in His ways in preparation for meeting with Him, and Tabernacles as a rehearsal celebration of time when He will rule the earth as Lord and King!

We look forward to worshipping with you!