Eighteen Ways to Thank God

Saturday, February 8, 2014, Pastor Steven Lancaster

Description: The theme for our Adventures in Prayer series is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which includes the instruction, “In everything give thanks.”One way we can actively and intensionally obey this instruction is by praying the thanksgiving-statements from a well-known, traditional prayer. Many Bible texts lie behind its powerful thanksgiving-statements, and as we pray them, we should consciously think about these Biblical truths and the loving Heavenly Father they describe. We should also learn to weave personal and community concerns into the prayer.


Teach us to pray Sermon Audio



How to Read and Understand the Bible: Maximizing Unity without Compromising Faithfulness

Saturday, February 2, 2014, Steve Kirkham

Description: Is there any way for Christians to agree when discussing the Bible? How is it that Messiah prayed for unity amongst His followers when there seems to be so much disagreement over the Scriptures? Join us as we explore the roots of our differences when it comes to the message of the Bible and how these differences might not outweigh our agreements. Is unity and a common understanding within our grasp?


Teach us to pray 



How the Apostles and Early Believers Prayed – “
   They Devoted Themselves to the Prayers”

Saturday, January 25, 2014, Pastor Steven P. Lancaster

Description: How the Apostles and early believers prayed" looks at prayer texts in the Acts and Epistles and draws four inferences about prayer among the early believers. 1) They persevered in the liturgical prayers. 2) They engaged in spontaneous prayer together for specific needs. 3) They addressed spiritual and eternal issues. 4) They exalted the Living God. May we intensionally expand our prayers to embrace these aspects of prayer.


Teach us to pray Sermon Audio



"The Prayer that Marks You as a Follower of Messiah:
      'Teach us to pray'"

Saturday, January 18, 2014, Pastor Steven P. Lancaster

Description: One day the Master Yeshua was praying, and when He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, "Master, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." What does "Teach us to pray" mean? Did some Jewish men in the first century not know how to pray? The sermon examines the cultural context of this request and looks more closely at what is commonly called "The Lord's Prayer."


Teach us to pray 



"Biblical Rhythms of Prayer—'Pray without ceasing'

Saturday, January 11, 2014, Pastor Steven P. Lancaster

Description: Daniel 6:10-16 presents a biblical hero in his regular practice a prayer. Daniel lived approximately 570 years before the time of the Gospels, so Daniel's patterns of prayer may instruct us regarding habits of biblical prayer well before the Master Yeshua's time. As we observe Daniel we see five details of his intensional and personal prayer: the location he chose; his physical focus and posture; the pattern of three times daily; and the prayer forms of thanksgiving, petition, and supplication.


Glimpses of the Master in Prayer 



"Glimpses of the Master in Prayer"

Saturday, January 4, 2014, Pastor Steven P. Lancaster

Description: Fall in step with the Master's disciples to examine His habits in prayer and His instructions on prayer. The Master Jesus said, "A disciple is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher" (Luke 6:40). It is incumbent on us as disciples to begin our adventures in prayer by studying the Master in prayer. 


Glimpses of the Master in Prayer 



"2014: Pressing on Toward the Goal"

Saturday, December 28, 2013, John Sullivan

Scripture: Philippians 3:12-14

Description: Now is the time when many of us consider New Year's Resolutions, a time to reflect on various aspects of our lives and, for we believers, our walks with the Lord. Listen for words of encouragement regarding how to make resolutions that matter and how to keep them.


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"Tis the Season"

Saturday, December 21, 2013, Ken Spiegel

Scripture: Romans 7:14-21

Description: Most people see the Christmas season as a season of giving but it actually has more to do with change. Yes God gave his son to an undeserving world but we need to focus on the why not the what. That's why Christmas has become so commercialized. During this season of change, seek the spirit of Yeshua to make a change in your life. If we all did maybe the world may follow suit.


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"It’s What You Don’t Know that Makes You Facepalm"

Saturday, December 14, 2013, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: Acts 10:34-35

Description:This message explains the Apostle Peter’s discovery of God’s greater plan of salvation for the nations. It will be an encouragement if you feel like you have made mistakes in the past in your faith walk.


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"The Gospel Goes Down to Goshen"

Saturday, December 7, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: Genesis 47:1-12 

Description:The story of Joseph should make us think of Jesus. The parallels to Messiah in the story of Joseph are undeniable, but beyond that, there are lessons for both Jews and Christians there as well. Has Christianity dressed up the Jesus we now worship and even His Gospel to a point where they would be unrecognizable as much as Joseph was unrecognizable to his brothers after being in Egypt for years? Has Jesus and the Gospel been taken out of their original context? And for the Jew, are there parallels between Joseph and Jesus that are so uncanny that they should take a fresh look at the possibility that Jesus, or Yeshua, could indeed be their Messiah?

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“Blessings of Belief”

Saturday, November 30, 2013, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: Colossians 3:1-11

Description:Once one comes to belief in Christ a new perspective is gained. In “Blessings of Belief,” Michael Reynolds describes how approaching life with the right perspective makes all the difference.

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“In Pursuit of Thankfulness”

Saturday, November 23, 2013, John Sullivan

Scripture: Psalm 100

Description:In this Thanksgiving season, we consider how right it is to give thanks to, as President George Washington put it, "that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is or that will be." We see also what a tremendous blessing it is to us to have hearts filled with an attitude of gratitude.

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Saturday, November 16, 2013, Ken Spiegel

Scripture: Genesis 32:22-32

Description: Jacob, son of Isaac wrestles with a Man. After they wrestle all night the man blesses Jacob and names him Israel because he struggled with God and Man prevailed but God spared his life. Just like we do, Jacob tried to do everything His way instead of God's way. If we take a serious look at our walk we should ask "Am I walking away from God and His ways or towards them?" Let Him control your life and take responsibility for it by doing things His way

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When Sin Catches Up With Us

Saturday, November 2, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: Galatians 5:15-26

Description: The fruit of the Spirit is often described as the new mark of believers in Messiah. The English words used for Paul's description of these traits of a believer are fairly general. In this message we look at the Greek and likely Hebrew roots of Paul's words to arrive at a more specific description of the deepest traits we should share as disciples of the Master.

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Commitment In Marriage

Saturday, October 26, 2013, John Sullivan

Scripture: Malachi 2:13-16

Description: In a recent message we talked about the importance of forgiveness in marriage, and how it is to a marriage what oil is to an automobile engine. That it is essential to reducing friction and helping a relationship to run smoothly. In this message, the topic is commitment, and if forgiveness is the oil in a relationship, commitment is the glue. We will look at God's design for marriage, what these special relationships mean to Him, and why marriage is deserving of a level of commitment second only to our commitment to our relationship with Him.

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Here Comes The Bride

Saturday, October 19, 2013, Ken Spiegel

Description: In this day and age it's difficult to plan for a wedding. So many things to do . Months and even years of advanced planning go into the big day. Too many times we plan for the wedding day and not the marriage. That's the reason the divorce rate in America is 38%. God has a wedding planned of which we are the Bride and Jesus is the Bridegroom. Ancient Jewish tradition is followed and all the invitations were sent out at the beginning of time. We still have time to prepare for the marriage. Don't hesitate!!

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God’s Promises to the Patriarchs and You

Saturday, October 12, 2013, Steven Lancaster

Description: Through the fathers—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—God set His plan in motion to bring about the redemption of mankind and His creation. He gave the fathers the promises of people, land, kings, possession of nations, and a blessing to all nations. We too partake in these promises through the Master Yeshua the Messiah, the quintessential recipient of the promises, who accomplishes our redemption, gives us position in the heavenly realms, and will yet usher in the kingdom.

New! Follow along with the presentation slides as you listen!

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The Example of Noah

Saturday, October 5, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Description: Noah's ark is often thought of as a wonderful children's story which portrays God's love and care. While there is love and promise involved with Noah's story, the destructive flood narrative and the example Noah gives us through the account of his life and worship are very challenging and profound, even to the point of rocking the status quo traditional Christianity we tend to live within today. Does the Scripture take issue with our practice of the faith? Are we open to hear the message of Noah's life as it speaks to what orthodox faith should look like today? Come take a fresh look with eyes wide open at the man who built the ark. This is a lesson about how to approach the Scriptures with a more open heart to hear a fresh word.

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Forgiveness in Marriage

Saturday, September 28, 2013, John Sullivan

Scripture: Ephesians 4:31-32

Description: Just as motor oil is essential to protecting the engine in your car, so too is practicing forgiveness essential to protecting the health of your marriage.

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Who's on first?

Saturday, September 21, 2013, Ken Spiegel

Description: In this life of confusion we live in with every thing going every which way, when we think about Messiah coming and what he will be like, always use God's Word to guide us in our thinking so we know for sure what to look for. Too many times we turn to everything else to discern Messiah from False Prophets and their teachings. The Bible is very clear on this subject if we are willing to read.

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Who Is Your Favorite? Aaron or Melchizedek?

Saturday, September 14, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Description: As believers in Jesus, we are led to appreciate the ministry of Messiah on our behalf in the heavenly realm. This ministry is one that maintains our salvation through faith. The ministry of Aaron was and will at a future date be one that administers the earthly temple and our relationship with God on earth. While Messiah's priestly ministry in the heavens is spiritual and greatest of all, there is perpetual value in the earthly ministry of Aaron. It is said by the prophets to reemerge when the future temple is rebuilt and Messiah begins His kingship. What implication does this dual priesthood hold for our life as believers?

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Jesus Celebrates the Feast of Tabernacles

Saturday, September 7, 2013, Chris Kotting

Description: We sometimes think that Jesus and His believers were opposed to Judaism, but such was not the case. Comes join us in this week's exploration of Jesus' celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles as recorded in the book of John and learn how our celebration of the biblical feasts such as Tabernacles can point our hearts to the return of Messiah!



Oh, For Heaven's Sake

Saturday, August 31, 2013, Ken Spiegel

Description: Sometimes our view of heaven and what we will do for eternity tends to be what feels good to us and is not based on Biblical Truth. The best way to understand God is to stay diligent in His word on a daily basis. I am sure God wants us to "feel good" for all eternity but that won't come from our understanding but from what He has chosen to reveal to us in His time.

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10 Divine Assurances that God is Restoring the Kingdom

Saturday, August 24, 2013, Dr Steven Lancaster

Description: In the fourth year of Darius I (518 BC) after the delayed Temple reconstruction was again underway, and while Darius was leading the Persian army through the land toward Egypt, "the LORD of armies" assured the faltering returnees that He, the LORD of Armies would restore the kingdom of Judah: filling its cities, bringing prosperity to the land, turning Israel's fasts into festivals, and drawing the nations to the Temple to seek God.

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Conscience Matters

Saturday, August 17, 2013, Chris Kotting

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Warrior Code

Saturday, August 10, 2013, Michael Reynolds

Description: This message offers encouragement to believers who are struggling through difficult times. Christ is our great example, and He is pictures as a victorious warrior. As we look to Christ we can have confidence to overcome difficult times in life as we strive to live for God. Hebrews 12 is a rallying cry for Christians very much like a call to arms for warriors.

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Heaven: What is it like, really?

Saturday, August 3, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Description: Heaven is a place that God has prepared for those who seek salvation in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. THis place is a future joy to those for whom it is prepared. Much of what is presented in modern Christianity and in popular media portray heaven as a cloud-top existence that has little correlation with what Scripture presents. What is heaven like? Where is heaven located? What does it mean to pray, "THy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven?"



Marriage: No Place For the Selfish

Saturday, July 27, 2013, John Sullivan

Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-33

Description: Throughout Scripture, the marriage relationship between husband and wife is repeatedly compared to the relationship between Christ, the Bridegroom, and the Church. Husbands and wives are called to submit to one another out of reverence to the Lord. Wives are called to submit to their husbands as she submits to the Lord, and husbands are called to love his wife as Christ loves the church. This orientation runs counter to our selfish nature, but it is essential if we are to have healthy, God-honoring marriages that profit the Kingdom.

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The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

Saturday, July 20, 2013, Ken Spiegel

Description: Our lives are all filled with judgments from the time of our conception until the day we leave the earth.  Judgment meaning: a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion. Our parents, friends and others give their “authoritative” opinion regardless of whether we want it or not.  Those judgments tend to shape who we are and how we relate to others.  In the book of Ezekiel, the Israelites were so far off track from NOT keeping God as their authority, they had to be exiled from the land to Babylon. God sends Ezekiel, a priest, to them with the message of repentance and says “You will know that I am the Lord”.  We are living in the same situation today.  We have been exiled from the Garden of Eden, Jesus the High Priest came with a message of repentance, and now we are preparing ourselves to return to the land and live with Him for eternity. God wants us to always use Him as the authority in our lives.  His commandments and statutes, Torah, are His judgments to use as a measuring stick to help us to prepare to live in His house. They have not changed or been cancelled by Jesus.  Jesus is our only means for salvation.  We live the way God wants us to because of the magnificent gift.  How many of us as parents have used the phrase “my house, my rules” to our own children.  God is no different if we are His children.  It is the cross we must carry to follow Him. That’s the truth.

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When Speech is Not Enough—Thoughts on the Sign-acts of the Prophets

Saturday, July 13, 2013, Dr. Steven Lancaster

Scripture: Matthew 21:28-32—The contrast of two sons in speech and deed

Description: At times God instructed the prophets to use sign-acts to capture audience attention and to make the prophet's message more unforgettable. God explained to Ezekiel, "They hear your words but they do not practice them" (see Ezekiel 33:30-33). The sermon examined the function of a sign-act through Ezekiel's sign-act of the two sticks (Ezekiel 37:15-17) and then asked the question, "Should we use sign-acts to communicate biblical truth?" The answer is, "Probably not." But we are called to speak with more than words. We are called to obedience! This is illustrated in 1 Peter 2:9-12 (which uses the phrase "good deeds"); Ephesians 2:1-10 (which uses the phrase "good works"); and James 2:14-19 (in which James states, "I will show you my faith by my works").



The Definition of Definition

Saturday, June 29, 2013, Ken Spiegel

Description: Christians tend to believe when God punishes us He is doing so out of anger. Although sometimes this is true because of our sin, His motivation comes from His great Love for us. We associate punishment with anger when we should be associating correction with Love. He doesn't have to correct us but He choses to because we belong to Him. During this process others who have nothing to do with Him seem to be doing well and even make fun of us because we have faith. It can make us resentful at Him but "Vengeance is Mine Says the Lord, I will Repay" is a verse that gives us hope. God knows what to do and the exact time to do it. Our job is to persevere in His plan



Lament and Engage; Fulfilling our Cultural Mandate

Saturday, June 22, 2013, John Sullivan

Scripture: Acts 17:16-34

Description: Christians in America rightly lament the decline of our culture and seeming race toward godlessness, but our plight is not a new one. See how similar (and in ways worse) Paul found Athens in his time and how he confidently engaged them for the cause of Christ that they might find salvation in Him.



Fatherhood with Confidence

Saturday, June 15, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: Jeremiah 46:13-28

Description: Listen and learn about the "Three C's" of effective fatherhood: Conviction, Calling, and Confidence, and how to model your parenting after the example our Heavenly Father provides.



When Will God Take Over?

Saturday, June 8, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: Jeremiah 46:13-28

Description: Christians lament the steady decline of our culture. While it may not seem like it, others before us faced the very same kind of godlessness and cultural decay in their times, as we have just studied in Isaiah and Jeremiah in the final days before the fall of Jerusalem. We know from scripture that God will not tarry indefinitely, yet we can grow weary of the struggle, not to mention distracted by all manner of activities and pursuits. While we await the Lord's return, how shall we live? How can we remove from our lives those things that keep us from staying mission focused? Listen for an encouraging message about how to avoid the pitfalls of modern life so we can have the space and margin in our lives to remain faithful to our calling in God's service.    



Paul and 'Nomos'

Saturday, June 1, 2013, Chris Kotting

Scripture: Paul's Epistles

Description: The Apostle Paul's writings on Torah have been the source of much discussion, and much controversy, throughout the history of the church. But in his writings, at what times is he referring to a law, and at which times is he referring to the Law? Listen for an intriguing and thought provoking discussion on this important question.



Loving the Unlovable

Saturday, May 25, 2013, John Sullivan

Scripture: Matthew 5:43-48

Description: Jesus said "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?" The citizens of God’s kingdom are to have a much higher standard of love, and of every other aspect of righteousness, than does the rest of the world. How can we love those who consider us their enemies? Those who have wronged us? Those who persecute us? 



Why? God's Purpose Driven Life

Saturday, May 18, 2013, Ken Spiegel

Scripture:John 1:1-5; 14-34

Description: God's purpose for our lives is often confused with what we consider to be our own purpose.  When Christians ask "What's the purpose of life?" the answer tends to come out of our own understanding of what God wants.  The truth is and always will be, straight from the Bible. God's purpose is to bring us all to salvation with a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our purpose should be the same for ourselves and for each other.



How to Finish Well

Saturday, May 4, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture:2 Timothy 3:1-17

Description: In these challenging, troubled times, how can we stay strong and finish well the race set out before us in life? Listen how to identify the goal, make a commitment to staying on target, understanding and expecting  challenges along the way, and having a plan for success.



Learn about ACTS for Messiah's latest projects and endeavors in Tororo, Uganda!

Saturday, April 13, 2013, Emily Dwyer

Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 5:42

Description: The Torah of Moses and the instructions of our Master Yeshua instruct us to open our hands to the poor and not hold back from providing for the needy. As disciples of the Master, it is our duty to fulfill these obligations to the best of our ability and to meet the need where it is greatest.

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"The Shema: Hearing and Obeying God"

Saturday, April 6, 2013, Chris Kotting

Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:13-21; 15:37-41

Description: Sh’ma or Shema is the first Command given to Israel that calls their attention and identifies Who is speaking to them and then tells them to prepare for instruction so they can make an informed decision and walk in obedience. The word Sh’ma is a verb which means in its simplest term ‘to hear,’ but in its fullest literal meaning is: to hear, listen to, obey.

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"Personal Evangelism"

Saturday, March 30, 2013, John Sullivan

Scripture: 1 Peter 3:15

Description: All of us have life experiences, both good and bad, pleasant and challenging, that can be used by God as our own unique and personal evangelism platform, connecting with people as as only one with those experiences can. Spend time considering the platform God has built under you, and how you can use it to reach the lost in your midst.

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"What's a Trinity and Why Does It Matter?"

Saturday, March 23, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: Matthew 3:13-17

Description: The Trinity is a basic Christian belief. It is not just a matter of fancy theology, but an understanding of God that guides our way of living and our way of reading the Scriptures. Are there 3 different gods in Christianity? Can God be one yet three persons? Is there a biblical basis for this belief? Has God changed from the Old to New Testaments, or have the Father, Son and Holy Spirit always been the same?

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"Practical Pointers for Passover"

Saturday, March 16, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture:Exodus 12:1-27,42-49

Description: Passover is the best-known biblical holiday. Follow us as we discuss and walk through the holiday, discussing the meaning and details of the Passover Meal, the subsequent week-long holiday of Unleavened Bread and First Fruits, a holiday that has been renamed Easter.

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"Passover and the Lord's Supper"

Saturday, March 9, 2013, Chris Kotting

Scripture:Matthew 26

Description: In Exodus 12, Leviticus 23, Matthew 26 and elsewhere, we find evidence of Jesus Christ as the Passover Lamb throughout scripture. In Matthew 26 we also see how Christ and His disciples observed Passover in the first century. In this message, see how Passover applies as much to modern day disciples of Yeshua as it did to those enslaved in Egypt thousands of years ago. Learn also how Passover observance provides a time and opportunity for us to personalize the deliverance from our bondage to sin that God provides through His Son, our Passover Lamb.

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"Guiding Wisdom on Friendship from the Book of Proverbs"

Saturday, March 2, 2013, John Sullivan

Description: As our creator, God knows us. He knows our nature. He knows our tendencies and our weaknesses. He knows how susceptible we are to outside influences. He knows the ways and means of the evil one. Surely for these and other purposes God provides rich guidance in the book of Proverbs and elsewhere about how we should choose our friends and how we should conduct ourselves in those friendships.

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"What does Jesus teach us about friendship?"

Saturday, February 16, 2013, John Sullivan

Scripture: John 15:12-17

Description: In our 21st century world, the term "friend" is more synonomous with "acquaintance" than with the term used in this passage--philos (fee-los); meaning "dearly loved, a trusted confidant." Jesus and His disciples shared the latter type of friendship, and Jesus very much desired that His disciples share the same with one another. We too should have relationships in our lives that are marked by the same characteristics and principles. With whom do you share a philos-type of friendship?

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"What's So Important About Having a Family?"

Saturday, February 9, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: Luke 15:11-32

Description: There is no more important unit than the family in maintaining the viability of the Christian faith than the family. Made in the beginning, the family is that almost impervious defense God created against the drifting of the world away from God. Satan would love to redefine and even do away with the importance of family. In thei message, we will consider the absolute necessity of maintaining a biblical family in these days and imagine the results if the family were no longer defined by the Bible.

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"How Can My Walk of Faith Be Consistent?"

Saturday, February 2, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: James 1:12-25/span>

Description: Consistency aids is almost everything we do in life. It can sometimes separate success from failure. Almost everything we encounter in this life pulls us away from the consistent practice of our Christian faith. This world is not often helpful in maintaining fidelity to the commandments of God. There are, however, helpful advice and practices in the Bible that can significantly help us keep our priorities in line if we follow them. This message will give hope and helpful advice to those who struggle with consistency in their walk of faith.

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"7 Things to Pray for in 2013"

Saturday, January 26, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: Matthew 23:13-36

Description: Our prayer life should bring both our outlook on the world and our walk closer to that of the Lord. In the book of Matthew, Jesus issues "woes" to the Pharisees, criticisms of their way of life and thinking. We can use these woes as guidelines to pray by and thus avoid having our beliefs and lives go astray. Listen in to help develop a prayer life that will take you in directions that would please God.

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"Did Moses Believe in Jesus?"

Saturday, January 19, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-16

Description: Has God's plan of salvation changed over time? Were those who came before Jesus saved by a different method? What about people who have not heard about Jesus or who have been taught wrongly by their parents or their culture. Explore what the Bible teaches with regard to saving faith through the ages. Do you need to come to Jesus?

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"Will the World End in 2013?"

Saturday, January 12, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: Isaiah 24

Description: What is God waiting for before He judges the world and makes things right once and for all? Why doesn't Jesus simply return and restore all thigs to their rightful way of working. Learn what is in store for 2013 and how Christians should consider the coming of the end of the world as we know it.

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"Who Should You Trust as a Spirtual Leader?"

Saturday, January 3, 2013, Steve Kirkham

Scripture: 1Samuel 12:12-19; Isaiah 22

Description: How do we choose leaders in our lives? Often we consider the qualities and attributes a leader should posess. But before venturing out on such a quest, we also need to be cautious as to whether that leader will remove our reliance on God.

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"Resolving to 'Go'"

Saturday, December 29, 2012, John Sullivan

Scripture: Isaiah 6:8 & Matthew 28:19-20

Description: As in the days of Isaiah, the world desperately needs to hear from the people of God. In 2013 will we respond as Isaiah did and “Go”into the world and reach people for the Master as He commanded? When considering changes and new commitments for the new year, consider futher engagement in the things that matter most to Him.

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"Christmas Sermon: How to Celebrate Christmas Like a Wise Man"

Monday, December 24, 2012, Steven Kirkham

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

Description: The wise men show us many things as foreigners who seek the God of Israel through His Son. They knew the Scriptures and in knowing them, they were able to find the King of Kings. How can you be a wise man too?

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The Indescribable Gift

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Special Guest: Dr. Bob Kendig, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Scripture: Luke 2:1-12

Description: The gift of salvation offered by Jesus surpasses description and addresses every need we humans have. Were we only to turn to Him and allow Him His rightful place on the throne of our lives, we would see things fall into place. Come to understand this one of a kind gift from God and commit your life to Him today.

Bob Kendig
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"What Should I Bring to Jesus?"

Saturday, December 15, 2012
Special Guest: Dr. Bob Kendig, Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn.

Scripture: Genesis 43:1-14

Description: What we bring Jesus is often a gift of our own choosing rather than what he asks us to bring. The return you get from what you give is often related and the gift of eternal life comes only if you give your entire life to Jesus. Learn from the life of Joseph so long ago what we should bring to Jesus today.

Bob Kendig
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“Hanukkah and Jesus' Second Coming”

Saturday, December 1, 2012, Steven Kirkham

Scripture: Matthew 24:1-22

Description: Jesus was seen celebrating Hanukkah in John, chapter 10.  Hearkening back to the meaning of the holiday, it becomes apparent that Hanukkah not only illustrates the delivery of God's people during times of oppression before the birth of Christ.  It also is an illustration of the time Jesus will return to deliver Israel in times future.  Learn the basics of Hanukkah and see how the Light of the World will illuminate the world once and for all.

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"I'm Concerned About Concern And Why You Should Be, Too"

Saturday, November 10, 2012, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: Matthew 18:7-14

Description: Sometimes our concern for relationships doesn't match Jesus' concern. Learn how to think about relationships like Christ.

Matthew 18:7

Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes!

Pastor Michael Reynolds
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"Great Question; Strange Answer"

Saturday, November 3, 2012, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: Matthew 18:1-6

Description: Jesus' disciples learn being great in the Kingdom means being the most available to God.

Matthew 18:6

but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Pastor Michael Reynolds
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"The Tower To The Heavens"

Saturday, October 27, 2012, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: Genesis 11:1-9
Sermon Series: "Our Beginnings: God's Creation; Our Contribution; And God's Redemption

Description: Confusion exists where people do not follow God's instructions.

Genesis 11:4

They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”

Pastor Michael Reynolds
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Saturday, October 20, 2012, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: Genesis 6:5-8
Sermon Series: "Our Beginnings: God's Creation; Our Contribution; And God's Redemption

Description: In a time when what was good was corrupted, Noah stood alone to bridge between God's judgement and His coming redemption.

Genesis 6:8

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Pastor Michael Reynolds
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"In the Beginning"

Saturday, October 6, 2012, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: Genesis 1:1 - 2:3
Sermon Series: "Our Beginnings: God's Creation; Our Contribution; And God's Redemption

Description: Many people feel disconnected from their Creator. Learn how God created life with meaning and purpose.

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Pastor Michael Reynolds
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How To Witness On Behalf Of The Master

Saturday, September 29, 2012, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: John 20:30-31; John 18:37; John 4

Description: Many Christians fear, so they fail to give witness. Listen to this practical and encouraging sermon to learn how John shared in a practical way.

John 20:30-31
Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.

Pastor Michael Reynolds
  Sermon Audio


What It Means To Be A Part Of Jesus' Family

Saturday, September 22, 2012, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: Isaiah 56:1-8

Description: Being a part of God's family means more than just attending church services. It's about being connected to God's plan of redemption for the World.

Isaiah 56:6-7

“Also the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord, To minister to Him, and to love the name of the LordTo be His servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath And holds fast My covenant; Even those I will bring to My holy mountain And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.”

Pastor Michael Reynolds
  Sermon Audio


Loving God With All Your Heart

Saturday, September 15, 2012, Michael Reynolds

Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:1-10 and Luke 21:1-4

Description: Loving God with all of our heart involves more than just emotions. It does include our emotions, but according to the Scriptures loving God with all of our heart involves much more. Listen to this sermon to learn what the Scriptures teach about how to properly love God.

Luke 21:3-4
Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.

Pastor Michael Reynolds
  Sermon Audio


 Date Sermon Title & Speaker Summary Audio
 Saturday, July 21, 2012  Spiritual Warfare - Michael Reynolds
Sermon Notes
 Sermon Audio
 Saturday, July 7, 2012  The Unusual Prep School - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, June 30, 2012  Authority in the Church - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, June 9. 2012  The Challenge of Retirement - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, June 2, 2012  Purity - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, May 26, 2012  Preparing for Pentecost/Shavuot - Michael Reynolds  
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 Saturday, May 19, 2012  Tragedy and God's Grace - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, May 12, 2012  How To Pray - Michael Reynolds 
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 Saturday, May 5, 2012  The Great Division - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, April 28, 2012  Perfect Prejudice - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, April 21, 2012  Keeping the Main Thing, The Main Thing - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, April 14, 2012  Replaced Tablets - Michael Reynolds Sermon Notes  Sermon Audio
 Saturday, April 7, 2012  The Crucifixion, Some See it... - Michael Reynolds Sermon Notes  Sermon Audio
 Saturday, March 24, 2012  Getting God's Attention - Michael Reynolds Sermon Notes  Sermon Audio
 Saturday, March 17, 2012  Psalm 144 - Michael Reynolds Sermon Notes  Sermon Audio
 Saturday, March 10, 2012  Things You Should Know By 40 - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, March 3, 2012  One Thing You Cannot Replace - Michael Reynolds
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 Saturday, February 25, 2012  Four Steps to Knowing God's Will - Steven Kirkham
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 Archived Sermon, 2011  The Dangers of Hypocricy - Steven Kirkham
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 Archived Sermon, 2010  Jude: Find a Good Leader - Steven Kirkham
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 Archived Sermon, 2009  Pentecost: How to Be Sincere, but Wrong - Steven Kirkham
Sermon Notes
 Sermon Audio